Got up at 5:00 am this morning for pre-flight inspections and to prepare a briefing for my flight instructor. It’s so easy to get up at this time if you are doing something you love. I cannot emphasize it enough, if you are in a position you don’t want to be in find something else to do. As they say, if you love your job you don’t have to work a day in your life. “Getting sidetracked let’s get back to it”. Alarm at 5:00 am then breakfast, some coffee, get my uniform on, and out the door at 5:45 am to be at the hangar around 6:00 am. Get all documents checked, plane inspected and I am ready to brief my flight instructor at 8:00 am. I’ve got about 90% of my briefing package down at the moment, next time I’m able to do it 100%. Still missing some general understanding in meteorology and how to read the charts.
So far I am able to do a takeoff with no issues. The different maneuvering techniques are getting easier and easier every time I do them. The hardest part has to be looking outside and flying using the planes attitude versus the horizon instead of the instruments, keeping straight and level flight. Landings are a bit on the rough end but I am getting there “steady progress”.
Started my radio certificate class on tuesday this week. After only a couple of days it’s nice to be able to perform standard phraseology and use simple shorthand writing techniques. The exam in this class will be taking place already next month so I can do my first solo flight. Very exciting!
Here is a video of a crosswind landing that I am performing with aid from the flight instructor. Video taken by back-seater “BØG”.
Got some reading to do, till next time.
BEV, over and out.
1 comment
Soooooooo cool, Alexander. You are a natural! ( Not me, I have to put my heart back in place and take a deep breath) You were great.