Hi. I know that it has been a while since an update, also there was a server rollback that has removed my past post, anyways here is a long waited update.
What have i been doing?
These past months have been a real challenge as I started my first theory run with 4 out of 12 subjects in my ATPL (Airline Transport Pilots License) theory course. It has been a very tough time with long intense days of studying but fortunately also finding time for some relaxation. Most of the people I have talked to says that it is probably one of the toughest parts of this education and I agree on some level, but do on the other hand also believe that if you spend enough time on something it gets easier along the way.
The whole process going through a “section” of the theory course is quite interesting. I started off by learning the basics of each subject which is the most intense part since there is no knowledge prior to rely on. Within the first couple of weeks I received a “progress test” in each subject to ensure that I have learnt the essentials in the topics covered. This repeates all throughout the “section” and finally ending off with a “progress release” testing to see if I am ready for the exams. It has all so far been a great learning experience and there is so much more to learn that is just not possible within 3 months.
The subjects
The four subjects that I have gone through are as follows:
- General Navigation
- Principals of Flight
- Meteorology
- Human performance and Limitations
General Navigation is as the name titles all about general navigation, how you plot a course on a chart how seasons are effected by the earths axis in relation to the sun and so on, and so much more. (A lot of calculator work and different variables)
Principals of Flight is about aircraft handling in different situations, how all the different aerofoils work like the tail/fin, flaps, and stabilizer, how highspeed flight reduces performance in Transonic Flight, all about the Lift to Drag relationship and so much more.
Meteorology is all about the different weather phenomena, where and how they are formed, the types of precipitation and their sizes, all the 10 different cloud types and levels that they are located in, and so much more.
Human performance and Limitations is all about the body and mind, how less pressure at altitude can cause different types of harmful effects on our body such as Hypoxia which is hard to detect by yourself, and decompression sickness with loss of cabin pressure. Also how people behave in certain situations like too little stress is bad as well as too much stress, weird right? you would think little stress would be the best but no. And of course so much more.
How did i do?
I am very pleased to say that today was the last exam of the first “section” and everything passed with an average score of 88% out of all four exams. The lowest passmark is 75% per exam. Now very excited to move onto my next “section” with new subjects and new learning experiences.
This is all for now, have an amazing day.
BEV over and out.
So very proud of you Alexander. You are awesome and you can do anything that you set your heart and mind to. Thanks for the update. Your
Dad has been telling me a little about what you have been doing( he is very proud of you). Take care and keep up the good work. Lots of LOVE Grandma B. Waiting on the next update!
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
Thanks a ton! It a impressive online site.
Nice web page you’ve here.